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The Rent Controls Scotland Needs

Overview —

This paper makes the case for national rent controls and outlines the problems with the current system of rent pressure zones which have so far been inadequate at preventing the problems high rents and rent insecurity in Scotland.

Instead, rent controls could be designed around a points-based system links to the quality and amenities of a property (rather than market rates) and would be attached to the property rather than the lease.

A new Scottish Rent Affordability Index would peg maximum rents at affordable levels.

A Scottish Living Rent Commission would act as an umbrella body and a centre of expertise and regulation in the private rented sector.

"When we empower our communities, we are all better off."
Kerry Bentivolio


Good Houses For All

Overview —

This paper presents a model for building an unlimited number of houses for social rent on a zero-subsidy basis using the Scottish National Investment Bank.

These houses would be built to extremely high standards of thermal efficiency and on a stable finance model ensuring costs to the tenant are far lower than the private market.

The case is made that this model could be used as a post-pandemic stimulus scheme which will reform and secure the housing and construction sector.



Public Land Value Capture

Overview —

This report outlines the case for public land value capture - the process by which councils, not those selling land, can benefit from the increase in land value due to changing use (such as planning permission for housing) or can reduce house prices by not passing that uplifted cost on to renters and buyers of the houses built on such land.



Living in Scotland’s private rented sector

Overview —

Ben Wray analyses new data on the experience of living in Scotland's private rented sector, and argues for reversing the trend under devolution of increasing privatisation of the rental market.



Edinburgh Council's Open Space Strategy

Overview —

This Strategy, Open Space 2021, establishes principles guiding the continued protection, management and expansion of our green network over the next five years. Key challenges ahead include the delivery of new parks and active travel connections as the city expands, creating inspiring places for new communities to socialise, grow food, play, keep active and experience nature, and which are resource efficient and climate-change ready.

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